Security Automation Solutions In Dubai

Security automation are the software execution of security actions with the purpose of programmatically detecting, investigating, and remediating cyber threats with or without human intervention by identifying the upcoming threats, triaging and prioritizing alerts as they introduce, then responding to them in a consistent fashion.

Security automation did most of the work for your security team, so they don’t have to weed through and manually address every alert coming your way. Among other things, security automation solutions in Dubai are able to:

• Detect threats in your environment.

• Classify potential threats by implementing the steps, commands, and decision-making exercises taken by security analysts to look over the event and determine whether it’s a reasonable issue.

• Ascertain whether to take action in response.

• Restrain and resolve the issue.

All of this can occur in seconds, without necessary action from staff. With security automation solutions in Dubai, unvaried, time-taken actions are kept away from the reach of security analysts so they can focus on more important, value-adding work. In addition to that, security automation solutions in Dubai also provide you with prompt threat detection.

According to research, IT teams ignore 74 percent of security events/alerts. Security automation detects and resolves these common issues, but it also eliminates the human errors that take place because of in experience, work overload, and negligence.

Security Automation Solutions In Dubai Overview

Why Is Security Automation Important?

Cyber attacks are now happening every 39 seconds, and businesses often receive millions of alerts each month. Security department teams today are responsible for monitoring a much wider attack surface in comparison with prior years, including mobile devices, cloud infrastructure, and IoT devices. At summarizing the whole part, alerts are truly coming to them from everywhere.

Without the help of security automation solutions in Dubai, analysts have to resolve threats manually. This often necessitates investigating the issue and comparing it against the company’s threat intelligence to determine its rightfulness, deciding on a course of action, then manually resolving the issue — all probably millions of alerts and often with incomplete data.

Many of these alerts are unwanted, so analysts spend valuable time on monotonous tasks that keep them from more critical issues. Security automation solutions in Dubai, on the other hand, complete more of this work for your team. When an alert comes in, it instantly determines whether an action is necessary — based on the previous comeback to similar incidents — and if so, can automatically rectify the issue.

At present, security analysts have more time to focus on strategic planning, threat chasing, and organizing deeper investigations — creating more value for the business.

Signs That Show An Organization Needs A Security Automation Solution In Dubai

There are various signs specifying that your organization needs a security automation solution in Dubai, including a breach, delayed response times, enormous false positives, and a demand for more organized and cost-effective operations.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, most organizations could benefit from security automation solutions in Dubai, they’re necessary to require or adapt it if:

Victim Of A Breach :- Millions of people and countless companies have been the victims of the data breach. In 2018, breaches cost roughly nearly $4 million overall per incident. Organizations can’t afford to be neglectful when it comes to security measures.

Processing Time Slows Down :- Security analysts can only investigate a fragment of the alerts that occurs, so countering in real-time is rarely possible. Companies need solutions and executions that allow them to resolve problems faster, and minimize the overall time spent per incident.

False Positives Are Overwhelming The Security Team :- False positives are only disclosed as false after each is investigated as a real threat. These incidents abstract security analysts’ focus and stops them from addressing genuine threats.

Operations Must Be Efficient And Effective :- If security analysts are wasting time on recurring tasks and false positives, they aren’t accelerating their value to the organization.

Platform Provided By Security Automation Solutions In Dubai

A security automation platform is a software that will implement a series of security actions across your whole infrastructure in an event of seconds. The security automation platform is engaged when a problem is detected (via the network, a file scan, an email scan, and so on), and then counters accordingly. Security automation solutions in Dubai-provided platforms offer:

1. Playbook creation and customization:- Security automation platforms allow you to establish and customize playbooks, or choose from prebuilt ones, permitting you to filter data, make a decision using encoded logic, prompt a user for input or call another playbook.

2. Standardized incident response processes:- The playbooks tell the security automation tool how to counter incidents based on internal rules, making a repeatable, streamlined, and auditable security operations process aimed at helping security teams speed incident response and eliminate risk. For example, actions could include:

• Deleting or separating suspected malware-infected files
• Executing a tracking lookup on a given IP address
• Searching for files on a specific endpoint
• Blocking a URL on perimeter devices
• Separating a device from the network